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Radio Schweizer Ecke/ Swisscorner 5EBI 103.1FM


Join our friends and listen to Swiss music and reports in Swiss German, every Saturday from

6 - 7 pm by Herbert Gall, Sibylle Faeh, Isariya Lötscher with Frauke Ender.


5EBI broadcasts on 103.1FM, on digital radio at EBI WORLD and also streams online, live and on demand: go to Saturday and scroll to 6 pm.


The station is located in the heart of Adelaide and broadcasts in over 40 languages each week, with the help of over 200 volunteers catering to South Australia's rich and diverse cultures.


The Swiss Club of South Australia is a proud sponsor of the Schweizer Ecke / Swisscorner and very much appreciates the great work the team does.


Are you interested in joining the team as a presenter or guest?  Contact them and they will tell you more:

Noarlunga South Australia
Swiss Club on Social

Keep in touch with members, up to date with events, share photos, and ask questions:

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